Praying with Beads
Wendy made some beads while at Scargill House over Easter. 'Starting from the butterfly, the first bead symbolises coming into the presence of God, next is the cross to focus on Jesus, the cloudy bead represents the Holy Spirit, asking him to guide me through my time in prayer. The clear black and white bead represents day/night, so if it’s evening is the day just gone and the night to come, or in the morning the night just gone and the day to come. The multicoloured bead represents family and the multifaceted bead the multifaceted ministries I’m linked with. The blue bead represents the world, the knobbly black bead specific prayer requests and the pearl is me. Finishing back with God. The butterfly reminds me of Easter at Scargill when I'finally put the beads together. It really helps me to focus in prayer.'